Wednesday, August 28, 2013

God cares about a desk.

So, we've been on the hunt for a desk.  But not just ANY desk, a big one where my husband can put lots of junk on the surface and store lots of stuff.  But we didn't have the money to buy one new.

So we tried  But when my husband searched for what seemed hours and could only find really expensive ones an hour and a half away, uh, yeah, we then tried yard sales.  To no avail.

So back to with a prayer in his heart, my husband searched again.  Then, to his surprise, there was a new post.  In a city right next to ours was a beautiful oak desk, for FREE.

"The things that are important to us become important to Him."
We called the number and talked to the owner.  Yes it was still available, but no, he wouldn't hold it because it was first come, first serve.

So we jumped in our truck and prayed that it wouldn't be gone when we got there.  About a block away we saw it. There it was sitting on the sidewalk right next to the street with a big "free" sign posted on it.  A perfect desk.  Just what my husband wanted.  Solid wood, big, all the pieces there, for just the right price.  We loaded it up in the back of our truck and suddenly realized that God cares about a desk.

Okay, so it wasn't really the desk He cared about, it was that He cared about us getting one.  And I think it's safe to say that God DOES care enough about his children to provide those little things we need.  

Elder Cornish of the Seventy said it perfectly in his talk, "The Privilege of Prayer," October 2011:  "In His mercy, the God of heaven, the Creator and Ruler of all things everywhere, had heard a prayer about a very minor thing.  One might well ask why He would concern Himself with something so small.  I am led to believe that our Heavenly Father loves us so much that the things that are important to us become important to Him, just because He loves us.  How much more would He want to help us with the big things that we ask, which are right (see 3 Nephi 18:20)?"

Every time I walk past that desk, I think about the goodness of God and how much He cares...even about a desk.